8 Mistakes to Avoid for Effective Mobile Content Marketing


More and more businesses are implementing a mobile content marketing strategy these days. But anything worth doing is worth doing well. Here are 8 mistakes your business should avoid to implement an effective mobile content marketing strategy.

Mistake 1: Only optimizing for one mobile platform or device.
Too often, to save money or to save time, a business will sell their content marketing strategy short by only optimizing their content to work on one of the more popular mobile platforms. This is being penny wise and pound foolish. Excluding any device or platform results in an alienated customer. Mobile customers––which these days is anybody with a smartphone––expect a seamless experience across all channels and devices. Make sure your developers are optimizing content for Androids, iPhones, Windows phones, etc., as well as desktop, and tablets.

Mistake 2: Thinking globally, not locally.
Studies show that mobile website visitors have about a 10 percent higher bounce rate than desktop visitors. One reason for this is the fact that most customers are generally searching for local products and services. Whether your business has brick-and-mortar outlets or not, look for ways to localize your content. Check Google Trends for insight on what customers and prospects want locally.

Mistake 3: Confusing calls to action.
Make sure calls to action are visible, obvious and mobile-friendly. Phone numbers should automatically dial at the tap of a finger. Also, never use language like “download” on your mobile site. Instead, say things like “get started.”

Mistake 4: Ignoring website design quality.
There are a lot of well-meaning “web experts” who peddle the notion that all you need to spend your company’s money on is the “science” side of the website. Pretty colors and tasteful art direction only impede the sales funnel. Or so they claim. Balderdash! Surveys indicate that approximately 57 percent of mobile users say they will not recommend a service or product if the website is of poor quality. Bring together the best “science” and the “art” of web design to make sure that everything from the color palette to the user experience shouts quality. Also invest in responsive design functionality so your content marketing seamlessly scales from the desktop down to the smartphone.

Mistake 5: Ignoring demographic dynamics.
Very few companies offer a product or service that’s a one-size-fits-all arrangement. But, too often, their mobile content marketing fails to engage the individual customer on their individual level. Rather than shotgunning your broad audience with generic storytelling and hoping something sticks, tailor your story to fit your demographic target’s budget and need states.

Mistake 6: Content with banker’s hours.
People are on their mobile devices from dusk to dawn. Make sure chat and other functions are 24/7/365. Your website needs to be open for business around the clock.

Mistake 7: Not making content shareable.
Word of mouth is not going away. In fact, with networking sites like Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and Twitter, word of mouth is the fastest-growing means of marketing. Make sure you include “share” buttons with every bit of content you serve up.

Mobile Content Marketing quote

Mistake 8: Thinking your business can’t afford it.
The brilliant thing about content marketing is it can fit any marketing budget. Whether you are a startup or an established B2B brand, you can afford content marketing. And no company can afford to do it poorly.

We are a Dallas advertising agency with extensive expertise in content marketing.