Want your website to float to the top? The secret is quality website SEO content. So how do you get there from here? The first thing you need to do is discover what terms people are using to search your services/products. Once you determine the relevant keywords, then make sure the content on your site has a healthy dose of these words without overdoing it. Keyword stuffing only lowers your organic ranking. Beyond that, you want to keep adding fresh content that is equally strong. Blogs and news articles are a great way to keep content fresh. You should post a new blog as often as once a day––but at the very least, weekly. Those are the “dos.” What are the “don’ts”?
Never lift content
Be careful if you are re-purposing content. The bots will penalize you if you simply lift content from another site. Even original content from other sections of your website should never be lifted word for word. Use a service like Copyscape to make sure your content has not been plagiarized.
Avoid Mission Creep
If the title of your blog article promises one thing but the article itself delivers something else, no amount of keywords can save you. If your article goes astray, then consider re-titling it. Again content and title must match.
Leave Dead Horses In their Graves
Don’t beat a subject to death. The web simply doesn’t need another blog post about the top ten movies of 2012.
Don’t write for the Bots
Sure, effective website SEO content has to consider the bots and Google’s latest algorithms, but the article must be written for human consumption. With that in mind the consumer isn’t reading Yeats. They aren’t even reading. They are scanning. Provide the reader some signposts. Subheads, bullets, strong lead in sentences, etc.
Creating effective website SEO content is as much art as it is science. Take the time to get it right. And may the bots be with you.
We are a Dallas Advertising Agency specializing in Website SEO.