Making a BIG Impact in a Little Bit of Time


What do you do when you’re given three weeks to concept, plan and launch a major fundraising campaign that will help raise adult literacy rates in North Texas?

You take three deep breaths (one for each week) and pour your heart into your work. Because THIS is your chance to do some good in the world.



LIFT – Literacy Instruction for Texas – is a Dallas-based non-profit organization dedicated to improving adult literacy rates in the DFW community. Their largest philanthropic event of the year, Toast to Literacy, is LIFT’s biggest opportunity to engage with donors and raise funding to support their adult literacy programs all year long.

As LIFT’s agency of record, Agency Creative, of course, wanted to help them maximize the opportunity. So we created a new strategy and messaging that would make a bigger impact with potential donors and launched a hyper-targeted email and social campaign to reach existing donors and connect with new ones.

The campaign centered around a video series that tells the story of LIFT, starring the teachers, volunteers and students who helped write it.


After three weeks, we helped them raise well over $100,000 for LIFT. Our campaign even won a Davey Award. But for us, the real value was helping LIFT change lives right here in the communities we live in.


LIFT’s adult literacy programs rely on donors and volunteers. To learn more about LIFT or donate to their organization.

Learn about LIFT

Give the gift of literacy